Maana ya huruma katika Kiswahili
Huruma ni kuwa na moyo wa imani, wema na upole.
Kisawe cha huruma ni rehema.
Huruma in English
Huruma in English inaweza kutafsiriwa kwa njia tofauti:
Compassion: Hii ndiyo tafsiri ya kawaida ya huruma in English. Ufafanuzi wake in English ni:
“sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.”
Mfano: Show him compassion – Mwonee huruma
Pity: Mara nyingi hii jina katika Kiingerenza inaonyesha huruma lakini kwa hisia dhaifu kidogo. Ufafanuzi wake in English ni:
“the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others.”
Mfano: “her voice was full of pity” – “sauti yake ilijaa huruma”
Mercy: Huruma can also mean mercy.
“compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm.”
Mfano: Have mercy on me – Nionee huruma/ Nihurumie
Majina mengine ya kutafsiri huruma in English ni:
- feel sorry for
- feel pity for
- feel for
- feel sympathy for
- sympathize with
- be sympathetic towards
- empathize with
- commiserate with
- have compassion for
- be compassionate towards
- take pity on
- be moved by
- bleed for
- have one’s heart go out to
- condole with
- weep for
- grieve for